I Write

Like a smoker can never quit smoking, a writer too, can never stay without writing. It's addictive! And so, here I am,after over three years, penning my thoughts... err keying-in my thoughts here. Had it been my diary, I would have fought the cobwebs to reach out to it kept in some dark corner of a book shelf. The dusty diary would have made me sneeze several times before I could actually open it and begin writing on those termite-eaten pages. But, nothing of that sort happened. Thanks to the advent of technology, my blog looked spic n span, just the way I had left it... three years ago! Life has undergone umpteen changes in these three years. It has been quite a transition from being a dedicated + dominating wife, to a dotting mamma, and am loving it! I have so much more to write about, to share, to express... with you. YOU. Who have been my constant support and inspiration for writing. YOU, who always encouraged me to resume my blog writing. YOU,who spoke those kind words t...