
It was yet another boring day at office. After completing my quota of work, I decided to entertain myself with some 'breaking news' or 'gossip columns'. No sooner I clicked on one of the news sites, second to the most important breaking news read: Top model Viveka Babajee commits suicide at her Bandra flat.
I was stunned. And shocked. The name rang a bell not just once but many times. Looking at her picture cleared all the doubts – I had seen her, met her and conversed with her over a glass of fruit punch.
I go in the rewind mode <<<< and pause the button at the appropriate event; I push the play button.
It is 30th October, 2007. I have completed one month as a trainee journalist with DNA Newspaper; but the newspaper is yet to launch in Ahmedabad and it is going to launch tomorrow – 1st November, 2007. I am all excited for two reasons: For successfully completing one month at work in a city which is totally new to me, and secondly for the launch of DNA. The icing on the cake is when I am given this assignment to cover the inauguration of a high-end fashion house. The event is supposed to be very high profile, where creme-de-la-creme of not only Ahmedabad, but also Mumbai is expected. Top models from Mumbai are going to sashay down the ramp displaying the new designs.
Being a fresher, I am nervous. I quickly sneak into the green room for interaction with the models. As soon as I step in, I see a lot of chaos and commotion. While few models are getting ready, others are lost in the cloud of smoke – either trying to overcome their nervousness or making a style statement. I am still trying to figure out whom to approach for the interaction, then the coordinator comes and asks me to wait as conversations can happen only after the show get over.
I return to the banquet area; see the glitterati and feel the glamour. The décor of the place is black and white, accentuated by little bit of red. The lights go dim as the show begins. With rocking music being played and spotlight over them, models take their turns on the ramp. I identify a few of them – Noyonika Chatterjee, Nethra Raghuraman, Viveka Babajee – tall, slim and elegance personified.
The show is over and once again I am on my way to the green room for interviews. The first person I am introduced to is Viveka Babjee – she looks more beautiful with that unglam look and she has a pretty smile. After exchanging greeting, we sit down for a round of Q&As. I ask her about the city of Ahmedabad, her likings, dislikings; she is very much her bubbly self and confesses that she has cone many shows in Ahmedabad and frequently visits the city - all this over a glass of fruit punch. In between questions, she excuses herself to pick up her ringing cellphone. She looks majorly concerned about the friend on the other end; assures that everything will be fine and quickly hang up the phone. We disperse after a handshake.
It's November 1, 2007 and coverage is splashed in the first issue to DNA. I am happy to be the part of this event, first glamorous event of my career.
Pause........... fast forward >>>>
Today, the same glamorous world seems to be in a shock. Forget music, there's a deafening silence, spotlight has faded as yet another model succumbs to the world glamour and glitz. I may got the reply from her for my Q&As, but she seems to have failed in solving life's tough Q&As.
I wrote this piece as I feel some connect with her. After my first job and first event, she was my first celebrity interview – Viveka Babajee RIP+
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