Having pet animals around you is always a delightful experience! (Only for those who love animals). Besides being good entertainers, they can be good listeners, companions, and even family members. I can very well derive that from my personal experiences. Though totally different when it comes to characteristics, cats or dogs start belonging to your family from the day they enter your family; and you wont even realize that.
As a kid, I always heard an adage: Dogs have masters and cats have slaves. And after spending 20 years with cats under the same roof, I have started believing it. Right from my childhood I have been surrounded by not only one but two-three-four and even seven cats at the same time; so much so that I have lost count of the names of my cats in the past and running short of names in the present.
I still remember how I missed my cats during lengthy hours in school. My first activity after I retuned home, was to look for them in every corner of the house. Sometimes a snoring Minu would growl at me for disturbing her. Newly born kittens were almost an excuse for celebration at Chhaya’s. Calls were made to near and dear ones to inform: Minu has delivered three kittens today – white, brown and a mix of grey & black. We named them Louie, Pouie, Douie.” My mom being a gynecologist was by now expert in delivering not human babies, but also cats’. I remember when one of the cats delivered two kittens in her lap – nothing could make her happier. It was hilarious when she commented: “We have opened Cats Maternity Home.” Till the kittens grew up and became independent it was a full time job of every member in the house to protect them from the male cats that were after these kittens’ lives. Whenever a neighbour complained that a cat had licked the milk left open in their kitchen, like an over-protective mother my mom said: “No no it must be some other cat; our car is sleeping in the cupboard.” Going out of town leaving the cats alone was a great matter of worry for us.
Cats played best companion when there was nobody at home. Though I was alone at home I always felt we are two people in the house. My conversation with them was as comfortable and natural as with a friend. Not only me, my cats were great friends with all the kids in our residential society. Evenings at our home saw a huge group of kids cuddling and feeding the furry purrs.
Cleaning themselves till hours like queens, sun bathing and timely feeding themselves were always their demands. Their independent nature made her knock the door in the midnight or enter the home at wee hours. This surely made us believe that cats have slaves. But in the end, warm and intelligent creature seeking for attention… this was all my encounter with cats in past 20 years… but my fetish for the furs continues after a small transition. And this time it was dogs. All these years I looked upon dogs as cats’ enemies, but……………………. (cond in partII... coming soon)
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