Those were the days when bicycle seemed the most exotic vehicle on earth. It was the time when you were graduated to senior class and it was the time to flaunt you cycling skills. Evening time was mostly spent learning and balancing the bicycle; sometimes with balancing wheels on either sides and sometimes without that extra support. When these wheels were removed, there was always someone ready to provide that required support from behind by holding the carrier of the cycle – your Papa.
With each push to the paddle you knew your confidence was growing and that was due to the security given by someone who cared for you more than you did for yourself.
The open sky, the chirping of birds, blooming flowers and green lawns, all seemed to congratulate you as you almost learnt to ride a bicycle. Feeling happy you looked behind and suddenly… you discovered that the person holding your cycle had disappeared. You were too nervous to even call out his name. Within a fraction of a second you realized that you were alone and the supportive hand behind you had gone. Nervousness of balancing the cycle grew into the fear of falling down and hurting your knee. Zig-zag went your cycle, yet there was something that kept you going. Just when you thought that you were about to bang your cycle into the tree on your left… you pushed the paddle one more time and then another time, and several times more. Yesss! The fear of falling had suddenly changed into the confidence of balancing yourself. Nervousness had got the new avatar of self-reliance and independence.
How similar are the rules of life to learning a bicycle. Till the time you are provided support and security from your near and dear ones, you are careless. But the moment you are left alone, you face hurdles, challenges and even fail sometimes; but eventually that makes you a self-reliant and independent person.
Riding a bicycle was no less than a fantasy flight. You felt like flying up high humming your favourite tune. But suddenly, you applied breaks and got down. You stretched your neck and looked backwards. A sweet smile appeared on your face as you saw your dad jogging slowly behind you.
“Dad, where were you? What if I had fallen down,” you would ask agitatedly
Softly a reply would come, “I knew you wouldn’t have.”
It is important to walk alone to know our true potential and get the right direction. But, after we take the right path, we become a part of marathon lives, where we live like racers; hardly any time to stop by and appreciate our folks. But sometimes it becomes necessary to apply breaks to this race. Slow down a bit, look behind us and find that our near and dear ones are just behind us, giving that extra boost!
Wow amazing post... simple tho touches the minute momments of our lives... really reminded of how my papa used to teach me paddling... balancing... uff god i cudnt manage to do all dis at onetime... was not a multitasker at that time... good forum keep it up nice post... i think its one of ur best post...
ReplyDeletethank u Khantil!!!